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These blocks of rooms are reserved at a reduced rate in the hotels and will be released on Friday, September 20th.

To avoid paying a higher price, book your preferred option directly with the hotel before Friday, September 20.

Hampton Inn - 506.855.4819 - View Online

  • $124 night for 2 queens

  • $134 night for king suite

  • Cancellation 48 hours notice

  • Block Code: AMC

Amsterdam Inn - 506.383.5050 - View Online

  • $129 night for 2 queens, first floor

  • $119 night for 2 queens, second floor

  • Cancellation up until 4 pm on the day of arrival

  • Reserved under ‘Atlantic Ministerial Conference’ and ‘PAOC Maritime District’

Holiday Inn Express - 506.854.2929 - View Online

  • $139 night for 2 queens

  • Cancellation by 3 pm 1 day prior

  • Block Code: X1H

Four Points Sheraton - 506.852.9600 - View Online

  • $129 night for 2 queens

  • Cancellation 5 days notice

  • Block Code: AM1